Thursday, April 9, 2009

Mangosteensap in strijd tegen Huidproblemen!

May 23, 2005 - Hi - My name is Evan and I'm 4 months old. For a few months or half my life, I have battled eczema on my cheeks and jaw line (see picture below).
The Doctor prescribed a steroidal cream that my mom put on for a few weeks but it did nothing for my very itchy and sore face. My mom thought she might share some of her Mangosteen Juice with me and since I have not been introduced to fruit, she started slowly. On May 23, 2005 my mom started me on 5cc (1 tsp) 3 times a day. She also rubbed some on my face with a cotton ball.

After only 3 days on Mangosteen Juice, I have had remarkable results (see picture 2). I could not help but want to share my results with you. If you know someone that has eczema, please share my story and pictures with them.
Thanks to Mangosteen Juice, I am a much happier little boy.

Evan's Mom

A note from Grandad: My granddaughter Mariah had suffered from eczema rash on the back of her leg for over 20 years. All the potions and lotions couldn’t make it go away. After drinking 2 ounces of [Mangosteen Juice] daily, the rash was nearly gone in thirty days (picture below right). Now one year later, there is no evidence of eczema rash. Mariah now wears skirts for the first time in her life.

Leonard H
Navada - USA


I had REALLY dry skin/excema this past winter and I drank 1oz (30 ml) 3 times a day and also applied it directly to the dry patches using a cottonball. Within days it was gone! Best of luck, hope this helps!

Rick D.


Naast dat ik me veel vitaler voel sinds ik mangosteensap drink is mijn huid er ook aanzienlijk op vooruitgegaan. Ik heb een paar plekken in mijn gezicht waar ik ongeveer 2 tot 3 maal per week hydrocortisoni op smeerde..... nu gebruik ik het nog 2 tot 3 keer per maand.

Paul Muller, Doorn


Mijn Psoriasis is een stuk rustiger, en het lijkt erop dat het gaat verdwijnen. Nou als dat zo is blijf ik het mijn hele leven gebruiken.

Carl Oudshoorn


Yvonne Immerzeel


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